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or catch our eye, and seemed pleased at our concentration on Him. At one point, He called the four of us in to read our joint letter. He admonished Adele and Beryl for their portions and asked them to rewrite. He dictated the following to Adele for her section:



"Baba is the Soul of souls,
The Beloved of the Gods
The life of His lovers,
And He is the Slave of His dear ones."


On her next try, however, Adele, instead of making this part of her own composition, as Baba wanted, she quoted Him; so again the Master asked her to rewrite it. As we all smiled, she looked very downcast. Then Baba said, "Don't you know why I am doing all this? So you all have more chance to be near Me." We four were alone with Him three times that morning, and the last time Baba called in Sylvia, making us five.


Around 11, Baba came out on the porch and looked expectantly at me. Not really knowing what He wanted. I slipped the ragged garland over His head, saying, "The mayor was supposed to put this on You!" The mayor hadn't come, being out of town, but the reporters had arrived to cover the dedication. Baba gave me an unfathomable smile, which I am still thinking about . . .


The Myrtle Beach Sun, the Myrtle Beach News and the Charleston News and Courier all interviewed and photographed Baba and later published excellent accounts of His darshan. One paper said 1,000 came but it was closer to 300. The Sun also interviewed Adi K. Irani as follows:


"Explaining further, Irani said Baba's visits to different places are always associated with spiritual significance that has a bearing on world events. 'He is not in politics at all, but is working spiritually. He has not come to establish any new churches, but to propagate one God and one brotherhood. He has come to revitalize all religions. His principles are universal. He does not interfere with any religion, but on the other hand, helps people of all religions rise above the mundane. He is concerned with the human heart and God.'


"With no sense of resignation but as a simple statement of facts, Irani said of his service for Baba, 'We live a celibate life, a great moral and disciplined life which Baba insists all those near Him live.'"




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