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transcript of this evening's conversation taken on the tape by Mike Loftus.



Friday, July 27


Baba had an early breakfast as the TV people were scheduled to arrive shortly. On the way over to our dining room, Baba asked if Adele, Bili, Beryl and I had written our letter yet to His women mandali, Mehera and Mani, in India. Again he stopped by the boathouse and asked if Harold Rudd had slept well, adding His characteristic "Are you happy? Keep happy!" and also told Virginia to eat well.


On the schedule today were the dedication ceremonies of the Center. The Mayor of Myrtle Beach had been invited and the NBC-TV cameramen were to come from New York and photograph the proceedings for a national TV program. It was also "open day" for all those in the neighborhood to come for the Master's darshan, and the fact had been published in the local papers.


While we gathered near Baba by the traffic circle, someone handed me a wilted laurel garland, which I tried to repair hastily with the magenta oleander flowers near by and some birthday chrysanthemums from the barn. Soon we were following Baba to the barn. He stationed Margaret Craske and Agnes Barron at the front steps and they wrote down the names of all coming for darshan. Margaret was cautioned to tell each one, "I have a message for you from Baba. You are not to ask questions and there will be no private interviews today. Just accept Baba's love and darshan." Jean Shaw added that they should eat the prasad Baba would give them.


At first, only a few were present, seated on chairs outside on the lawn, and Baba disappeared behind the barn for a while. Then He went and sat down on the high-backed chair. We all queued up outside In single file to receive the prasad—fruit or mints. As I crossed the long polished floor to His chair, He smiled at me in an amused way. Others told me afterwards He was imitating my swaying walk with His shoulders. I wasn't conscious of it, but gazed at the black cherry in His out-stretched hand that glowed like a living heart. I felt Baba tug on my hand a little and I bent down and kissed His palm. Several others did the same, and one or two touched His 'lotus feet.'


As many more began to come, we stayed outside close to the railing and peered in at Baba, and when there was a lull, He would wave at us




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