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of Baba in this life will he performed. When I perform that Miracle, I won't raise the dead; but I will make those who live for the world, dead to the world and live in God. I won't give sight to the blind, but will make people blind to illusion and make them see God as Reality."


May we be ready and receptive to this Miracle of the Soul.


Adi K. Irani




Continuing . . .    From Volume 4 Number 3 Page 14




Meher Baba's American Visit, July-August, 1956

By Fills Frederick


Thursday, July 26


After supper, on the screened verandah overlooking the lake where an enormous full moon was rising through the summer night, we gathered around Adi Irani, Baba's long-time disciple, to ask him questions. We kept him at it for three hours! One of the first was, "Why do Baba's fingers move as they do?" As described earlier in this diary, Adi replied they are not a code or message exactly but apparently the bodily reaction when Baba is working hard on inner planes.


Another question, put by Dana Field, was about samadhi. Adi replied there are four different states of samadhi and that Baba says it is not practical, as it is a temporary escape; and it also creates sanskaric bindings. When a person comes down and cannot bring back that peacefulness, he may seek it through sensual pleasures. That is why Baba says, "I value that which never leaves you"—i.e., the real thing, Adi told us. He also gave us some amusing highlights on the New Life—especially the donkeys who would not budge, until the women mandali thought of placing burdens on their backs; then they would move! The conversation turned to "God Speaks," and Adi told us that in 1922 and again in 1924 Baba stated "I will give you intellectual conviction one day; I will convince you intellectually so much that you won't have to ask a single question," a statement Adi feels sure referred to this great book. Of course, Adi added that intellectual knowledge is not the same as experience, but nevertheless, Baba's book, with its clear-cut categories and classifications of spiritual states, has cleared up many spiritual points, even in India.


Someday, when we have more space, we would like to print the whole




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