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But another Indian (quite a few contacted Baba in this city), Mr. Choudhary, wrote the following:


“When I saw Baba's picture in the newspaper, I immediately called up for an appointment. It was 9 a.m. when Baba appeared, and although I was the last in line Baba called for me first. I prostrated myself pressing His feet with my forehead and bathing them in tears. In a moment, He gave me everything I aspired for in all my life, and I felt an instantaneous recognition on Baba's part. I know a number of great saints but He is the greatest person I ever met. He has such a divine smile . . .Baba's love is reflected in His appearance, at first sight, and whoever comes face to face with Him is taken aback, finding himself incapable of grasping the whole beauty which confronts him all of a sudden. Look at His face . . .the entire world is in it; it is full of affection, of humility, of virtue, of knowledge! My meeting Him was like a river falling into the ocean of Love, like a child learning to walk, running to the lap of its mother . . .What is His message to us? When one comes face to face with Him, one feels His love and affection without His speech. He is "heard" better in His Silence because He speaks directly to the heart with His most affectionate look and touch and signs. His facial expression carries one into a different world instantaneously, and there is no doubt whoever came across the sweet glance (nazar) of Meher Baba did realize a different heavenly atmosphere immediately . . .His affection, like an ocean, is limitless . . .His expressions are more full of speech than the tongue, and such instant change in one's environment could only be effected by the Holy of Holies. Baba's darshan is symbolic and significant, it is explosive, and so is universal to all. Isn't it remarkable that I, coming from Agra and Benares, the great center for saints, should have came West and met Baba here? Baba is a great spiritual figure; you do not know Who Baba is."


About 4 o'clock Baba called us all in again to hear the message "How Does One Work for Baba?" Then we retired again to the big room. Baba came in and paced rapidly back and forth, possibly to get exercise, and I thought with a pang, we've locked Him up again in a hotel! A third time we joined Him in the small room and listened to "God Knows Not to God Knows Self," a message on how we may truly become one with Him. At a small private meeting that followed, Dr. Evans-Wentz, the noted scholar and author of such books as the life of the Tibetan yogi Milarepa, met Baba, together with his secretary. He had written a good review of




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