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past times in the different physical bodies and under different names . . . These Avatars and Prophets, after completing their mission of giving a great spiritual push to humanity, give up the physical body, and assume once more the original, impersonal aspect of divinity . . . But even in their impersonal aspect, they always remain self-conscious of their divinity.
Q. Why, when so many beautiful religions already existed, were additional manifestations of Prophets or revelations of God as Avatar required?
A. At the time of the manifestation of an Avatar, the force of the general spiritual push is so tremendous that it creates quite a new awakening of consciousness. This, combined with the teachings and activities of the Avatar on the physical plane during the life in which He manifests Himself, is given outward form by His followers who call it a new religion.
As the force of the spiritual push gradually weakens with the lapse of time, spirituality also recedes until it almost sinks into insignificance. Religion, or rather, the outward form of it, becomes like a dry crust, ready to crumble at any moment, and world conditions reach a climax. It is at this critical juncture that the Avatar appears and manifests on the physical plane to give once again the spiritual push to the world. The force of this spiritual push is again adopted as a new, outward, religious form, according to the existing circumstances.
This is why the contemporary religions have apparently different forms, owing to different times and circumstances in which they were established; though in essence, they are one and the same ideal of life taught over and over again by the one and the same Divinity who appeared and manifested on earth at different times and under different circumstances.
Q. What does Shri Metter Baba say about the Masters of the past?
A. Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Zoroaster, Krishna and other Masters were all, in reality, the embodiment of the same divine Self-consciousness, manifesting according to the needs of different periods and of different countries.
Q. Are persons who can perform miracles necessarily spiritually perfect?
A. In the West, people are much interested in the problem of miracles. The ability to perform miracles does not necessarily imply high spirituality. Anyone who has attained perfection and enjoys the Christ-consciousness, can perform miracles. Healing the sick, giving sight to the blind and even raising the dead is child's play to such a One. Even those who have not
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