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become one with the Infinite but who are only traversing the planes can perform miracles, and are able to do and undo things.
Q. Why and when do Masters perform miracles?
A. Spiritual Masters do not perform miracles to order just to satisfy idle curiosity. Miracles were performed and will be performed according to the existing circumstances. Masters have sometimes performed miracles when they intended to give an universal spiritual push.
Q. How does a Master help the aspirant?
A. As a rule, Masters help individually according to the temperament and preparedness of the aspirant. But this being the Avataric period, Shri Meher Baba's spiritual help to humanity will be both individual and collective. He rejuvenates and infuses new life into the old order of things and imparts the highest state of spirituality—the state of Oneness with the infinite Ocean of Bliss, Knowledge and Power—to the select few. He gives a general spiritual push to the whole universe.
Q. Does Shri Meher Baba claim to be the Avatar of the new dispensation?
A. Such a claim would have no value until it were substantiated, and once it were substantiated, there would be no need of claims. What Shri Meher Baba is and the nature of His mission, will be abundantly demonstrated at the time of His public manifestation.
Q. Whence does Shri Meher Baba derive His authority and how does He know that He is God-realized?
A. Just as an individual can, from the actual experience that he has of being a human, authoritatively say that he is a human being, so does He, from His own continuous, conscious experience of Oneness with the Infinite, know of His Godhood.
Q. What relation will His speaking have to the transformation of human consciousness which has been predicted, and why has He been silent for eight years?
A. Humanity, as at present constituted, uses three vehicles for the expression of thought, and experiences three states of consciousness. These three vehicles are:
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