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to me and expressed through gestures (he being in silence), "Come on quickly, Baba wants you." I left the bath and in the same condition went to Baba. Baba asked me how I slept and what thoughts were passing in my mind during the night. On hearing my thoughts, Baba remarked through Vishnu on the alphabet board, "Fit for this Path," and accordingly He gave some instructions to be carried out daily. One of the main instructions was to write daily for one hour "OM PARABRAHMA BABA." On the third day I was permitted to leave Panchgani, and dear Vishnu accordingly made arrangement for my departure to Nagpur.
After this first meeting, I had several times met Baba individually as well as in public programs. Baba never calls anyone to see Him unless one has the intense longing to meet Him and it is futile to see Him unless one has intense longing to do so. Hence Baba avoids the crowds of people assembled for His Darshan and allows Himself to be seen by a selected few who are ready to obey Him implicitly. Meeting Him in life is a remarkable incident and a turning point that remains ever green in one's mind. Baba is the goal of all human life. If we remember Him all the time, we will surely and safely reach our destination. He tells us the practical way to train our minds, hearts, without which we are not able to tread the Spiritual Path. Baba interprets all religions in one. What is required is to stand up to the principles of religion to which we belong, to realize the ultimate Truth. To love Baba is a unique experience. Those who do not understand what Love is can never understand Baba. Baba is the Ocean of Love. Baba is not to be judged or recognized through mind or intellect, which are the mediums for dealing with activities in the material sphere. His qualities are quite incomprehensible. They are beyond the capacity of our descriptions. If we attempt it, it is but a reflection of the views of a spectator. We cannot measure Baba's Greatness unless we ourselves attain to His divine state.
The contact with Baba gets carved on the mind forever. In His Holy association we do feel some unseen tremendous divine Power. Baba is the Creator of a New World Order. Baba pulls one who loves Him into the likeness of Himself. Baba wants spiritualization of the world, that is the solution/key to the problems and sufferings of the world. He brings world unity. If people were to act according to His directions there would not have been so much sickness, sorrow, trouble and anarchy in the human race.
Baba has already revealed Himself to a chosen few. There are also a few blessed souls whom Baba has given His precious love. These selected ones
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