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do see, feel, and experience Baba's Divinity. And they derive great inspiration, peace and power continuously flowing from Baba. They are forbidden by Baba to expose their experiences to others, and to keep them under safe custody. So these lovers are rather reluctant to exhibit them.


Once in the year 1945, I was asked by Baba whether my mother had any objection to allowing me to stay permanently near Him. I had told Him that she won't allow it. Hence, I was asked to return back to my place, Jabalpur, from Meherazad.


Baba's one main characteristic is that He makes plans or promises and does not seem to fulfill them. I understood that it is for His own spiritual reasons in the spiritual interest of the disciple that He does so. It is a mistake to criticize Baba for His peculiar ways. In February, 1956, Baba had promised and sent a telegram accordingly to visit my home (at Jabalpur); but a week before the date of arrival He cancelled the visit. When I asked Him again and reminded Him of the promise in Sahavas of February, 1958, He said He would be coming to Jabalpur after 700 years. So ultimately I had to surrender to His Will. In the Sahavas gathering Baba told the Sahavasis how disappointed and displeased I was with Him for canceling His visit to Jabalpur.


Baba's personal touch and association is sufficient to change anyone's heart. Baba is a living Avatar. He has power to infuse life into a thing and a dead being. The moment you love Him, He will be dwelling in you. Any human mind/heart which is harder than steel becomes soft like butter in His Sahavas. The most degraded characters become saints in a second at His Command, or Glance. Baba is the food of our soul. One who loves Him sincerely cannot live without Him.


In Baba's Sahavas consciousness of time, place and the entire world is lost, and I automatically become engrossed and initiated into the Divine Consciousness.


Oh! Baba! In Thy Presence, I feel as if my heart is set on fire with some burning sensation of Divine Love. This Divine Love is the actual fire burning all impure and low desires in the One Longing to be united with Thee. Being under the influence of this internal burning, I may express something which others may take in a different way and may misunderstand me to a great extent. I feel as if I cannot live without breathing the air of this Love. This Love itself also gives me a rest and soothes my heart. ONE WHO DWELLS IN LOVE DWELLS IN GOD.


(This manuscript won the Third Prize in our contest.—Ed .)




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