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Baba’s picture. "Poona belly” had me in its full grip by now and I just prayed I would be able to stay conscious through this last morning. Baba, reading my thoughts, turned and asked if any of us were sick. I raised my hand. Baba gestured with His hands over His tummy and gave a few words of advice―I shouldn't eat everything set before me! Marion Florsheim said she felt sad. Baba said "Why should you be sad? Take Me (home) in your hearts.” He told us that many of the Easterners had to leave the meeting last night without seeing Him, so He went out in a car and they were very surprised. They had His darshan after all.
The Maharani entered and sat on the floor close to Baba as before. Baba continued saying that the Eastern volunteers under the charge of K. K. Ramakrishnan, had to arrange accommodations for 3,500 Baba lovers from outstations and there were 3,000 more who had to find their own lodging. He said that after the meeting this morning we should all disperse except Ned Foote, who was to be near him for five minutes. As more entered the hall. Baba queried, "Are you all in good health?" A few had colds. He said, "Tomorrow is the day for your trip to Ahmednagar to visit My resting-place at Meherabad, and residence at Meherazad. I want you all to go, health permitting. Meherabad, where I will rest after dropping My body, is now like a desert. After 100 years it will flourish into a place of pilgrimage. People from all over the world will want to visit it in their lifetime. It has a definite atmosphere. Meherazad is now My residence. Mehera looks after the garden . . . How many are not going to Ahmednagar?" About twenty were not going for various reasons.
"Jeanne (Shaw), Baba wants you to go," Eruch interpreted the Master's gestures. "What if you die going on this pilgrimage, you will be blessed if you die on the way to Baba's last resting place." Jeanne smiled and nodded bravely.
Mr. and Mrs. Sakhare from New Delhi now entered. A Wing Commander in the Indian Air Force, Mr. Sakhare had to leave on emergency service. They embraced Baba tearfully. Baba then told Kitty Davy she could break her journey in England to see her brother and Will Backett, also take her usual Christmas vacation in Canada. He told Mrs. Patterson to carry home one of His garlands for the Myrtle Beach Center.
Then He was asked to go outside in the compound with all the Westerners so that Beheram, His brother who was filming parts of the Sahavas, could take fifty feet of film. We assented. "Yes, Baba, we want to be with You exclusively!"
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