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Baba continued, saying that Dr Donkin and Dr. Bharucha were to accompany us on the trip to Ahmednagar. "Francis, are you going? Please see that no one dies en route," He teased. "Jeanne, stop worrying. You all will leave at 6 a.m. tomorrow. Meherjee wants to know if you want snacks on the bus or tea and toast in your hotels?" Then Baba Himself decided for us—"No snacks!" He continued, "Don't go to far-off places in India—(after the Sahavas)—there’s likelihood of transportation services being suspended, and you may be stranded,” and He asked us to confirm our dates of departure with Meherjee. Baba touched on a few more personal details with some of us. He asked Charles Purdom, "What are you thinking? Why are you sad?”—“Because this is the last," Charles answered. I felt it might be the last for all of us.
Now four men entered to take their leave of Baba, and they spoke to Him in Persian. Baba explained to us they were from His Center in Iran; two from Shiraz, one from Teheran. They asked for a copy of Baba's film. Baba said the Muslims out there are fanatic, they cannot accept God in human form, but even their hearts are turning. These workers were asking Baba for strength to do His work in Teheran. It takes great daring, Baba said; people are often murdered there if they say God is on earth in human form. It is not like India, where they accept the concept of the Avatar coming again and again. But, He said, "Once the Muslims understand, there will be throngs of them—perhaps by the time I drop My body, and because of their fanatic nature it will be impossible to stop them coming here, even without passports!"
"All this nothing is but Adnyan (ignorance)," Baba concluded. "God alone is Real. Once you are able to see Him within yourself, then it is all bliss. This bliss is unimaginable. When you can't imagine that Bliss—what about that Infinite Knowledge? Knowledge in an instant! Knowledge of the past, the present and the future! This Infinite Knowledge makes God omnipotent. Because He knows everything, He doesn't have to do anything in order to know. This Knowledge is beyond the function of the mind."
3-B Dimpfl describes the story of the skit performed for us all this morning:
"On the third day of the East-West gathering, Meher Baba gave individual groups a chance to see Him alone. When the Sufis' turn came, one question which arose was what professions three of the young men should follow. The answer was one doctor (Khaled Al-Faqih), one physical education instructor (Gary Mullins) and one dancer ( Jim Mehl). On the last day of
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