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The hustle and bustle at Guruprasad ended on June 30th when Baba left for Meherazad. Baba, at Meherazad, sits silently suffering his "crucifixion" for the sake of humanity. He showers his benediction silently on suffering humanity. Blessed are they who have recognized in Meher Baba, God in human form.





“Lost” because they fell on the ears of these tough, not tender-minded, reporters of the Thirties . . . "Famous,” because they will live on in the hearts of others . . .



To Rom Landau—1932:


"The spiritual revival that you ask about . . . is not very far off and I am going to bring it about in the near future, utilizing the tremendous amount of misapplied energy possessed by America for the purpose. Such a spiritual outburst as I visualize usually takes place every seven or eight hundred years, at the end or beginning of a cycle, and it is only the Perfect One, who has reached the Christ state of consciousness, that can appeal and work so very universally. My work will embrace everything; it will affect and control every phase of life . . . In the general spiritual push that I shall impart to the world, problems such as politics, economics and sex...will all be automatically solved and adjusted. All collective movements and religions hinge round one personality who supplies the motive force—without this centrifugal force all movements are bound to fail . . . Perfect Masters impart spirituality by personal contact and influences, and the benefit that will accrue to different nations, when I bring about the spiritual upheaval, will largely depend upon the amount of energy each one possesses . . .


"I now take orders from no one; it is all my supreme will. Everything is, because I will it to be. Nothing is beyond my knowledge; I am in everything. There is no time and no space for me, it is I who give them their relative existence. I see the past and the future as clearly and vividly as you see material things about you . . .


"No general rule or process...can be laid down for the attainment of the ultimate reality... Every individual has got to work out his own




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