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Dogmas invented centuries after the founder's death, frequently differ startlingly, but the fundamentals of all religions are really the same, because all issue from the same source—God. Therefore, when I appear publicly, I shall run down no existing religion, but then I shall not uphold any special one. I want to turn men's minds away from sectarian differences, so that they will agree on essential truths. Remember though, that every prophet considers the times, the circumstances, and the prevailing mentality of the people before his public manifestation. He therefore preaches doctrines best understood and best suited to such conditions."


"Have you not noticed how all the nations have been brought into quick communication with each other during this modem epoch? Do you not see how railways, steamships, telephones, cables, wireless and newspapers have caused the whole world to become a closely-woven unit? An important event which happens in one country is made known within a day to the people of a country ten thousand miles away. Therefore a man who wishes to deliver an important message can find almost the whole of mankind as a ready audience. For all that there is a sound reason. The time is soon coming to give mankind a universal spiritual belief which shall serve all races of people and all countries. In other words, the way is being prepared to enable me to deliver a world-wide message . . .


"I shall break nay silence and deliver my message only when there is chaos and confusion everywhere, for then I shall be most needed, when the world is rocking in upheavals---earthquakes, floods and volcanic erup­tions; when both East and West are aflame with war. Truly the whole world must suffer, for the whole world must be redeemed . . .


"The war will be terrible in its nature because scientific ingenuity will make it more intense than the last war. However, it will last only a short time—a few months—and at its worst I shall make myself publicly known and declare my mission to the entire world. By my material efforts and spiritual powers, I shall speedily bring the conflict to an abrupt end, thus restoring peace to all the nations. Yet great natural changes must take place on this planet simultaneously. Life and property in different parts of the globe will suffer. If I play the role of a messiah it will be because world conditions require it. Be assured that I shall not leave my spiritual work undone.


"After the war will come a long era of unique peace, a time of world tranquility. Disarmament will then no longer be a matter of mere




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