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talk; but an actual fact. Racial and communal strife will cease; sectarian hatred between religious organizations will come to an end. I shall travel widely throughout the world and the nations will be eager to see me. My spiritual message will reach every land, every town, every village even. Universal brotherhood; peace among men; sympathy for the poor and downtrodden; love of God—I shall promote these things.
"My words can only echo the old spiritual truths, but it is my mystic power that will bring a new element into the world's life . . . ”
"Once I publicly announce myself as a messiah, nothing will be able to withstand my power. . . "
From a talk to the London group, May, 1964.
It was the Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, who spoke of those "who learn with me and of the multitude who merely listen"; in this talk—as in all the talks I give you—I am speaking to learners like myself; so I beg you to listen, but to do more than listen.
To understand the relation of Baba to Jesus is a difficult matter because of the emotional factors. People who love Jesus and look upon him as their Saviour are jealous of any rival. I understand this, being a Lover of Jesus myself. Indeed, it is because I love Jesus that I have the insight to love Baba. In India I found the same difficulty with lovers of Krishna; they were troubled in mind because they thought their allegiance to Krishna interfered with their love for Baba. It is indeed very hard to adjust one's thinking to admit that Baba is of the same order of being as Jesus, for it seems to belittle Jesus. I am speaking of course of those who follow Jesus; for those who cease to call themselves Christians it seems to be rather easy. But I am convinced that subconsciously, even for them, it is nothing of the kind. To think oneself to be superior to other Christians because one knows and loves Baba is a very great error. Unless one can accept Jesus as all he claimed to be, I don't see how one can accept Baba and what he claims to be. I am speaking of course of those who belong to our Western Christian culture. To accept Baba as God-Man is to accept the New Testament presentation of Jesus, which, I am aware, is a very serious and severe demand.
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