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on hand. He sat there silently for some time, then walked over to a row of mango trees planted by Kaka Baria. Kaka told Baba that all the trees gave good fruit except one. Baba went up to this tree in spite of tall grass around it and touched the leaves lightly. He then returned to His chair. Later, He took us to His house to hear records. He said that He would not be giving any explanations this time, but once during the Qawwali He said, "However much the suffering of the lover may be, he should never open his mouth to complain. His lips should be sealed and his tongue locked up." At the end of the program Baba explained one more line of the "Ghazal": "the lover says to his Beloved, 'I have become yours, it does not matter if you become mine or not'"


In the afternoon during La Risque Baba said to me, "I am the God of Gods. Have trust in Me. I know everything, don't worry." He also remarked, Only three days more for you to go." Orders were given to us that on the night of the 27th we should not sleep till 12:30 am. and that we should repeat the jap given to us from 11:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. We were also asked to fast and keep silence from 8 p.m. of the 27th to 8 p.m. of the 28th. Only water and two cups of tea could be taken during these twenty-four hours. Since I do not drink tea, Baba asked me to have sour lime sherbet.


This evening one of the oldest mandali members told us that Baba was very strong in His youth. During the Manzil-e-Meem days He would scold and even beat the mandali members. For the fault of one, another would be blamed. It is the way of His work. When Baba started the Meherazad ashram the diet was extremely poor. For lunch they would get only "dal" water and "chapatis." For dinner they would get milkless tea and "chapatis." They would rarely get tea with milk. Once in a while on some big occasion they would get milk tea and then they would drink it as if it were nectar. They had to do hard manual labor from morn to night.


This mandali member was given duty to sit near Baba at night. Baba has one man sitting awake in His room the whole night and lights too are kept burning all night. This mandali member said that at times Baba seems very restless at night. Sometimes He sits up in bed and sometimes rests His body. When He lies down, the man on duty has to press His fractured foot and leg. Sometimes He even snores. At this time if the man on duty relaxed his grip thinking that Baba was fast asleep Baba would at once shake His legs vigorously.




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