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22nd October . Early this morning Baba told me to take care of Pukar's health and see that he did not get a heart attack because Baba was going to tell him that day to leave for his home town in November. On hearing this Pukar started crying like a child at the thought of separation from his Beloved. Baba told him, "Don't worry, obey Me." On that day Baba left us early saying that the women mandali had not been taken out of doors since a long time and so He was going for a walk with them.
In the afternoon there were a few stray clouds in the sky and so while playing cards, Baba asked Aloba to go outside and see whether there was any likelihood of rain. He obeyed the command and going outside surveyed the sky, came back, and gave his opinion. After about two minutes Baba asked him to go out and see again. He obeyed instantly. Another two minutes and Baba asked him to go out and see again. He did this without the least vexation. Baba showed us by this what obedience meant.
Baba then gave us orders that when we went to Surat to give money to poor families as instructed previously, we should not do any private work. After finishing the work we should send a telegram to Baba stating whether we had done the work properly or not, and send a detailed report later. Before giving the money we were asked to bow down and touch our heads to the feet of the recipient. Baba said that before our departure he would bow down to us and our bowing to the recipient would mean that Baba's bowing reached the recipient.
That afternoon we had another tea party and Baba gave us some eatables. He served tea to all, including me and said, "Take it this time but never again in your life."
One of the mandali told us that evening how he met Baba. He said that he was formerly a political party leader at Hamirpur. One day a Baba lover called Babadas visited that place and began to talk about Baba as the Avatar of the age. The talk did not impress him; on the contrary, he thought that Baba was a big fraud. Babadas used to travel from place to place spreading Baba's message of Love and Truth. He would send the addresses of good contacts to Adi so that the latter could send literature to them and keep them in touch with Baba. So, some days later this mandali member got a circular letter from Adi asking whether he was prepared to obey Baba one hundred percent. He got angry and wrote a very strong letter to Baba saying that he did not believe in him and that he had no right to ask anyone to obey him. Later on there was a famine in Bengal and thousands were dying.
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