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closer and she hadn't marked the way at all. This puzzled me — until much later, after the accident in Oklahoma — half-way across the United States.


One time, as usual, the women were seated around Him in the evening. Baba said, "I am thinking of a number, from 1 to 22. Who can guess it?" All said a number, but Adele was the last, she said 11. It was right. It was exactly 11 days later Baba had the accident. Adele said she felt Baba putting the number in her head.


It was at this time in the Guest House that we spent the most relaxed moments with Baba. It was before 6:00. Baba went back to His house promptly at 6:00 and we did not see Him until morning — when we ran out for our first morning hug.


Once Adele and I were asked by Him to tell a story of an event from the Bible. I don't recall my story — but Adele told something about St. Peter. Baba, bending His beautiful head, said, "Peter loved Me the Most — but even he denied Me." Delia asked, "Was that a conscious thing or did he do it unconsciously?" Baba replied, "None loved Jesus as Peter did. It had to be. He was conscious." Delia: "I always understood Judas was unconscious when he betrayed Jesus." Baba: "The greatest service was Judas' betrayal. When he kissed Christ on the cheek, he did nothing. God did all. He behaved under a veil. He had the most difficult thing to do for the Master of all the disciples." Baba indicated that he too was Realized. I thought it so beautiful. Judas has been the villain long enough.


It was the same evening, May 14th, that Baba turned to Adele and myself and gestured on the board: "Nothing matters but love for God. Masts have this love. One must drown in the lake of fire and come out unscathed to reach God."


"Filis, Adele, do you love Me? It is My love, do you understand?" (Yes, Baba). "Hundreds of years from now people will be talking about what we did here, what happened while the Master was here. And then I will come again — and again — and again — and so will all of you . . ."


"Filis and Adele do love Me. You have been with Me before, I have known you since ages, you do not know how long! Do not worry for anything. Only love more, and more, and more. Let these words be inscribed in your heart — nothing is real but God." He pointed to His own heart with His fingers as He "said" this, and His fingers seemed to "write" it on my own heart, too. Everything we heard with our ears — seemed also to be engraved in our minds and hearts as well.


''Saint or sinner, it is only a different vibration," you said to John Bass one day.


"I will draw my sword very soon," you said. That gave me a queer feeling because just before you said it, sitting so peacefully there on the couch, I saw a tremendous flaming sword in your hands, and great destruction.


Often one had a double vision of Baba. Just before the "Open Day" when over 700 people came to see Him, we were called into the Lagoon Cabin for a meeting, and given small jobs to do. I recall Baba gestured I should sit on the stool beside Him but I was too shy. I sat at His feet, and stared at them. I could feel, and several times actually saw, many "invisibles" entering and leaving the cabin. Others above and beyond us were also getting orders!


"Filadel's" order was to guard the back porch to the Barn, to guide people down the steps and onto the path, and not let them wander off into the woods. This led to our seeing everyone who came to Baba and the effect He had on each one. At the end of that tremendous day,




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