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For the time being, I am to stay with Baba. He says it will be interesting, to see how he works.


Today I reported to the police under the new ordinance.


10/9/39: Baba is keen I should learn surgery and so I must go to the hospital for that to be arranged there.


19/9/39: Baba has been getting very strict since the war started. He says he is going to be so strict now that only those who love him will stay with him. Yesterday, Eruch, Chanji, and I went round to him. Eruch was ordered to be there at 3:45 p.m. — we were 2 minutes late and Baba was very, very disturbed. He says his mood is like a volcano these days — I suppose it is due to the war and his (inner) workings. As for —, a colossal dressing-down. X has been told to go back to Bombay to his wife and then to go to the jungle alone, or with her, as a sannyasin. Baba thinks he'll stay in Bombay (he wants God Realization), which is always a bit dangerous where Baba is concerned. Baidul has gone off to bring the 'mad' down here from Meherabad, and Kaka is in Bombay looking for more "God-Mad". All from Meherabad come in a week or two, as it is all being closed down there. Baba really seems to be "digging in" here.


The land for the Bangalore Centre, 500 acres, should be purchased in two weeks and building will begin then; plans are all finished in detail and Chanji's brother arrived yesterday from Bombay to help again with the auction — purchasing the land.


21/9/39: Today, Baba starts his "plan", which he says is going to be very drastic and which I gather from others of the mandali, has special relationship to his "inner" working at this time of world crisis. But he will still come daily to wash and feed the masts, who arrived from Meherabad two days ago. He has said that he will become like the early Meherabad days, very wild and strict. I like him that way.


The rest of Dr. Donkin's diary was printed in Volume 19 Number 1 p. 8 of the Awakener. If this seems illogical, it's the way we discovered the manuscript!

— Editor



Go round His Circle and devise
A coupling here, or there, disguise
Your need for Love, and let the bracelet fall
Quick links, all musical,
But joined, and full; Be wise —
Let end on end of Love revise
All singleness to curve, and bend
All joinings, to one End.
— Filis Frederick




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